QRZ for Linux!

You can now access the QRZ Ham Radio CDROM directly from Linux!

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Dave Freese, W1HKJ dfreese@intrepid.net writes:

Hi Fred,
It's been a least a month since I sent you any news on the Linux
development front.  I have since separated the qrzlib library from the front
end and built several different command line and gui interfaces.  They all
share the common library and even some common look and feel.  I added a
notebook metaphor to the TclTk interface.  The Gimp Tool Kit (GTK+) is a
robust library which sits on top of xlib and is strongly supported in the
Linux world (especially by Red Hat).  You will find a front end written
using the library as well.  I included screen shots of all the front ends in
the archive file.  Here is view of "gtkqrz"

Let me know if you have any difficulty getting any of these to work.


Last updated 14 Sep 1999